
Who are we?
Our Values

To raise, nurture, admonish, educate and equip global leaders who will impact the world with the love of Jesus through affordable Christian education.

S - Seek God first
H - Help others
I - Integrity is me
L - Love is what drives me
O - Obedience to authority
H - Healthy relationships

  • Proverbs 22:6
  • 1 Peter 5:2-3
  • Psalms 127:3


"At Shiloh International Christian School we are dedicated to providing an exceptional educational experience for your child. We are more than just a school; we are a nurturing community that fosters academic excellence, personal growth and prepares students for a future of success. Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire students and is tailored to their unique learning styles and abilities.


ACE offers an individualized experience which allows each student to learn at their own pace.


ACE offers each student with multiple opportunities,so each student will have the chance to figure out what GOD has called he/she to do.


ACE creates an environment in which each student will be able think and come up with ways to make themselves a positive influence on the community.


ACE is a financially friendly curriculum and a life changing experience your child will receive.


ACE will offer you the very best learning experience and will also build virtue and good morals.


Our christian schools are compassionate communities where knowledge is pursued with excellence, where faith is rooted in Christ, and where character is examplified through service. We are dedicated to creating a caring and nurturing enviroment, producing life-long learners, creating disciples of Christ, and enrichimg students lives.


Below are a few testemonials about how SHILOH impacts the people around it.

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We take pride in our work, and it shows. Every time you learn with us, we guarantee that it will be a worthwile experience.